Monday, April 27, 2015

IYCFP-E أنا، و ليندا و

مهداة إلى الباحثات و الباحثين، وعاملات وعمال الإغاثة الشباب الذين يودون إفادة الناس
Dedicated to young researchers and relief workers who are seeking to do more benefit

IYCFP-E = Infant and young child feeding practices during Emergencies

For the seven pages article (Arabic) follow the link:

Copy Credits: May Haddad

1 comment:

  1. Azza H wrote through PHAW network: Dr. May,

    I enjoyed reading your article in Arabic about infant feeding during emergency. I applaud you for these effort and great strategies to promote breastfeeding in Middle East countries. The formula companies not only take the chance to market their products during war or crisis, but they do that all the time. I wish to see more efforts to control that and see the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative being implemented in our countries and each hospital/clinic have a lactation team to help mothers to establish breastfeeding and continue exclusive breastfeeding after hospital discharge. Let me know if I could help by any way.

